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天山乌鲁木齐河流域冰川地貌与冰期研究的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
乌鲁木齐河源于天山北列喀拉乌成山的北坡,区内保存着形态多样、较为清晰的第四纪冰川侵蚀与沉积地形.经过老中青数代人的考察研究,取得如下研究成果:1)查清了河源区冰川地形的分布与特征,运用冰川沉积学与地貌地层学原理对乌鲁木齐河出山口处的扇形地进行了冰川与非冰川成因的鉴别;2)基于地衣法、常规14 C与AMS14 C、TL、ESR、CRN(10Be)等多种定年方法的测年结果,并结合地貌地层学原理,建立了乌鲁木齐河流域小冰期、新冰期、末次冰期(MIS 2~4)、MIS 6与MIS12较完整的冰川演化序列,为我国第四纪冰川研究树立了一个典型范例.展望未来,乌鲁木齐河源区的冰川地貌演化模拟与古环境重建等需作进一步研究,喀拉乌成山南坡的冰川地形有待进行综合定年;若以乌鲁木齐河源流域冰期序列为参照,冰川发育与天山的构造抬升以及东、中与西段天山冰川发育是否具有一致性,天山地区是否保存有更老冰碛等科学问题尚待深入探讨.  相似文献   
距今约2.73 Ma,北半球高纬地区冰盖急剧发展,北半球大冰期来临,成为最引人注目的事件。北半球大冰期成因已有诸多解释,其中之一是大陆干旱化加剧,输入到大洋的粉尘增多引起海洋铁肥效应增强和生物量增多,吸收了更多大气CO2,使得地球变冷和冰盖增加。作为全球第二大粉尘释放中心,亚洲内陆干旱区释放的粉尘是北太平洋沉积物中主要陆源组分之一。开展北半球大冰期前后西北太平洋沉积物记录的亚洲粉尘研究,有助于深入认识风尘铁肥效应对北半球大冰期形成的可能贡献。文章依据大洋钻探计划(Ocean Drilling Program,简称ODP)198航次西北太平洋1208钻孔(共钻取沉积物392.3 m;本研究深度121.3 m至130.1 m,时间段为2.62 Ma至2.85 Ma)北半球大冰期前后的高分辨率(约2500年)样品,提取了沉积物中的"风尘组分",计算了风尘通量,研究了风尘通量变化和海洋生产力之间的关联。研究结果显示,约2.73 Ma以来,1208钻孔风尘通量快速增加,已发表的该孔的海洋生产力也表现出快速增加,海水表面温度也快速降低,说明粉尘对海洋的铁肥效应可能是触发北半球大冰期形成的重要因素。文章还测试了"风尘组分"的Nd和Sr同位素,研究了粉尘物源变动。结果显示,塔克拉玛干沙漠是北半球大冰期前后1208钻孔粉尘的主要物源,其中2.73 Ma至2.85 Ma期间Nd和Sr同位素波动较大,推测与火山灰含量较多和戈壁粉尘沉积有关,位置偏北的西风可能是部分戈壁粉尘长距离运输至北太平洋的主要营力。2.73 Ma以来,北极冰盖大量发育,西风位置南移,主要运输塔克拉玛干沙漠粉尘至北太平洋,使得Nd和Sr同位素波动较小,但其中2.72 Ma至2.70 Ma期间出现的Nd同位素偏正、Sr同位素变小很可能是火山灰的突然大量沉积造成的。  相似文献   
The climate changed regularly in accordance with the variation of the average incoming solar radiation in the winter half-year of the northern hemisphere on the Earth's surface in each oxygen isotopic stage (i. e. Di in Table 1) during the last 730,000 years. Many interesting phenomena of the nature may be explained with applications of these data.  相似文献   
On Earth, the Archaean aeon lasted from 4.0 to 2.5 Ga; it corresponds to a relatively stable period. Compared with today, internal Earth heat production was several times greater resulting in high geothermal flux that induced the genesis of rocks such as komatiites and TTG suites, which are no more generated on Earth since 2.5 Ga. Similarly, the details of plate tectonic modalities (plate size, plate motion rate, plate thickness, tectonic style, irregular crustal growth, etc...) were different of modern plate tectonics. Both atmosphere and ocean compositions have been progressively modified and the greater heat production favoured the development of hydrothermalism and therefore created niches potentially favourable for the development of some forms of life. Catastrophic events such as giant meteorite falls or world-sized glaciations drastically and suddenly changed the environment of Earth surface, thus being able to strongly affect development of life. Even if specialists still debate about the age of the oldest indubitable fossil trace of life, Archaean can be considered as having been extremely favourable for life development and diversification.  相似文献   
新疆阿尔泰山哈纳斯河流域及其邻域第四纪冰川作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
根据新疆阿尔泰山哈纳斯河流域及其邻域第四纪冰川遗迹的类型和特征,哈纳斯河流域第四纪时期至少发生过5次明显的冰川事件,即倒数第三冰期,倒数第二冰期,倒数第一冰期(末次冰期),新冰期和小冰期。其中,更新世的3次冰川作用规模巨大,倒数第三冰期的冰川呈半覆盖式,倒数第二冰期和倒数第一冰期时发育了长达96km以上的大型山谷冰川。古冰川属于冰温高、活动性大和侵蚀能力强的温冰川。从新到老,每次冰期的雪线下降幅度一次比一次大。  相似文献   
Loading and unloading effects of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet triggered halotectonic movements in Northern Germany. We present newly detected geomorphological features—termed surface cracks—which indicate a relation between ice sheet-induced salt movement and surface processes. As a part of the Central European Basin System, numerous Zechstein salt structures are abundant in the North German Basin. On the basis of high-resolution digital terrain data, more than 160 surface cracks were mapped in Northern Germany, which were grouped into 30 clusters. Almost all of the surface cracks occur above the top regions of Zechstein salt structures. The surface cracks can be several kilometres long, up to more than 20 m deep and more than 100 m wide. The comparison of the shape of the salt structures and the orientation of the cracks reveals a geometric dependency, indicating that the cracks preferably occur near the crest margins of the salt structures. Furthermore, 3D seismic data from two sites show that subsurface faults originating from salt movement exist beneath the surface cracks. We interpret the cracks as surface ruptures due to ice sheet-induced halotectonic movements. The cracks occur in a variety of Quaternary sediments and landforms. This indicates that widespread halokinetic movements occurred in the region after the last (Weichselian) deglaciation and likely before the thawing of the permafrost, possibly in a time frame from c. 30–20 ka until c. 15 ka.  相似文献   
阿尔卑斯山地区第四纪冰川最新研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
周尚哲 《冰川冻土》2012,34(5):1127-1133
阿尔卑斯山是冰川学和第四纪冰川学的诞生地. 第四纪冰川学在全球发展, 最初以Penck在阿尔卑斯山建立的模式为脚本. 此后, 阿尔卑斯山一直是欧洲第四纪山地冰川变化研究的核心地区. 笔者以为, 该区研究对中国第四纪冰川研究仍然具有参照意义, 故有必要简要但较为系统地介绍一下其研究概况与最新进展. 百年以来, 欧洲学者根据新发现的冰水砾石层, 将Penck的4次冰期模式发展为7次冰期. 即在贡兹(Günz)冰期之前增加了巴伯尔(Biber)冰期和多瑙(Donau)冰期, 在贡兹冰期和民德(Mindel)冰期之间增加了哈斯兰(Haslach)冰期, 并对其年代学进行了不少探索. 认为多瑙冰期可能在上新世和更新世之间, 但迄今, 这些较老的冰期年代仍存在很大不确定性. 里斯(Riss)冰期、 武木(Würm)冰期已获得较多的宇宙核素暴露年代. 特别是欧洲学者对许多谷地中保留的多道冰川堆积进行年代学研究, 获得大量的宇宙核素暴露年代数据, 揭示末次冰期最盛期以来, 冰川在总体退缩的大趋势下, 发生规模依次减小的冰进事件, 和北欧冰后期历次气候变化的其他记录相呼应.  相似文献   
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